Wednesday 18 January 2012

What makes a good blog

I had looked and analysed some blogs, The first blog which i looked at was Kim Bates & Tom Allen the blog was level 2 (D grade).The blog good points were that it explained all then camera shots in detail and gave images as examples. They explained there prelimonary task, what it was about, the 180 degreerule they had to use when filming and the shot reverse shot they also included their  preliminary video. here is link to Kim Bates & Tom Allen's blog.

I then look at a Level 3 blog by Joe this blog was better than the first blog beaucse they included more video links which they had researched they had included thier ideas when they were planning. E.g mind maps. They lnluded videos links on how to edit and cut certain shots.I think this blog got a higher grade beaucse they had done alot of planning before making their prelimary and final film which shows they were organised also they did alot of research on videos,cuts,editing. They included a lot of diagrams, photos, software they used and an evaluation

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