Tuesday 24 April 2012


This is an ident me and my partner Dilwar came up with.
Our production company is called Rockafella. 
We chose to use the lighting to make it strike the audience. 

Character,roles and props

Me and my partner Dilwar came up with the following character:

Sneaks - This is the main character of the film, played by Ezekiel, he will be wearing a a coat, jeans and a cap

Zimmer - He is a drug lord in the film, played by Gurmit, he will be wearing a shirt and suit

Bodyguard - He will be Zimmer's bodyguard in the film, he will also be wearing a a shirt and suit

Driver  - He will be the driver of a drive by in the film, played be Rayhan, he will be wearing jeans and a top.

Shooter - He will be the shooter in the drive by in the film played by Dilwar, he will have his face covered

Young Sneaks - During the flash back he will be the character of Sneaks as a young child played by Asher, he will be wearing a school uniform, hat and coat.

Equipment & Setting

Me and my partner Dilwar discussed what equipment will we use to make our film. We will use the following:
high definition video camera, I will use a high definition camera so I can get a good quality film with good detail. I will also need a tripod for professional steady recording and apple mac to edit my footage on.

We then talked about what Mis-en-scene would be we came up with the following:
It would be set in a house inside a room with expensive things and a table, we chose this beaucse when we researched films the same genre as ours we saw the setting ws usaully in a rich looking room, E.g Godfather opening scence. Also we wanted it to look offical so our charcters would be dressed smartly however our main character was dressed differently this was beaucse the film was aimed aimed at middle class people so they could relate to the character.


Me and my partner Dilwar looked at good locations where we could shoot our film also we had to look at things like lightening, we wanted it to look like an expensive place. Dilwar's house was perfect location for this because there was good lighting and also he had a nice expensive looking room with leather sofa. Also we had to film at drive by shooting his road was very quiet this would be perfect because we wouldn't have many disruptions.


Me and my team member Dilwar talked about the type of lighting we would have in the opening sequence of our film. We decided :
Our first shot we will use the outside lighting which will be slightly dark, so it will set the mood of the film.
Our second shot will be inside a house, this shot will be brightly lit so every detail can be seen.
Our thrid shot will be outside again this will be using the outisde lighting also around 4pm where it starts to get dark but not to dark becasue we need to record every detail.


I will be using music in the film. The type of music I will be using is Hip Hop/ gangster rap music. The reason for this choice of music is because my target audience is young people who listen to rap music. Also from my film research I found the films which were closely related to mine used urban, Hip Hop and rap music throughout.  


SNEAKS knocks on the door.
                                         Open up man!
BODY GUARD1 comes to the door and opens it
                                              BODY GUARD 1
                                        Who you come to see?

                                Zimmer, tell him it’s me SNEAKS 

                                             BODY GUARD  1
                                    OH! Sorry sir please come in
SNEAKS looks back and looks left and right before stepping inside, he pushes past the body guard
                                   Yeahh that’s what I thought !

SNEAKS walks into a dark room
                                  AHH SNEAKS  take a seat

SNEAKS shakes ZIMMERS hand and sits opposite him on a table
                                           Whats going on ?
ZIMMER looks at SNEAKS in the eyes
                                           You got it ?

SNEAKS reaches in his inside pocket of his coat and pulls out a brown parcel and puts it out on the table
ZIMMER slightly opens the packet and takes a sniff of it
           That’s some good stuff right here ! Oi Hand me that bag.

ZIMMER hands the bag over to SNEAKS, Who then shakes hands and leaves.
SNEAKS starts to walk down the road towards his car.

A car with 3 men inside is driving past, one of the men notice SNEAKS
                                Yo ain’t that him … SNEAKS ?

The driver and the other man at the back quickly look out of the window
                               That’s him!  That’s him!

The car sharply brakes and a gun being cocked back is herd
SNEAKS hears the car and turns round
                                    BANG BANG !
SNEAKS gets shot and drops to the ground

SNEAKS is out of school and goes up too a smartly dressed man and ask for money.          
                                     YOUNG SNEAKS
                                    Gimme your money !
                                             What ?
                                                YOUNG SNEAKS 
                                    Gimme your money man !
                                         Are you mad?
Young Sneaks kicks the older boy and runs
                                   Come here your dead !

Step outline/ Slugline

This is step outline I briefly wrote about what happens in each scene what happened in the previous scene, what characters are in the scene and also what the audience is meant to understand about the scene.

Ext outside a house on a quiet street in New York city, at midnight.
Scene 1
End Point of  Last Scene
This is the first scene so the action is yet to happen.
Characters in Scene

Sneaks and Bodyguard  
Point of scene
The audience is meant to understand that Sneaks has come to see someone, they will not know what for but they will know it’s for something private.
Scene description
Sneaks knocks on the door a close up shot of his fist is taken, the body guard comes to open the door he tells him it’s Sneaks and the body guard lets him in. A long shot of Sneaks is taken before he steps into house.

INT Zimmer’s house the setting will be quite dark hardly any lighting.
Scene 2
End Point of  Last Scene
Sneaks knock’s on the door and a bodyguard opens the door.
Characters in Scene

Sneaks and Zimmer bodyguard 1 and 2
Point of scene
The audience is meant to understand that Sneaks has come to see someone called Zimmer.
Scene description
Sneaks walk’s into the room where Zimmer is sitting on a table he shakes hands and is told to take a seat.

INT Zimmer’s house the setting will be quite dark hardly any lighting.
Scene 3
End Point of  Last Scene
Sneaks sits down on a table
Characters in Scene

Sneaks, Zimmer and two body guards
Point of scene
The audience is meant to understand a drug deal is taking place, and Sneaks is a drug dealer and Zimmer is a big man with money buying the drugs off him.
Scene description
Sneeks is sitting at the table with Zimmer, Zimmer asks if he has the parcel, Sneeks pulls it out and puts it on the table. Zimmer opens it and checks it out and hands over a bag full of money. The shots used will be an over the shoulder shot from sneaks looking at Zimmer when he talks, a close of the parcel and Zimmer’s face are used.

Ext outside a house on a quiet street in New York city, at midnight.
Scene 4
End Point of  Last Scene
A drug deal has taken place, Sneaks has given a parcel of coke to Zimmer and has left the house.
Characters in Scene

Point of scene
The audience is meant to understand that Sneaks is a big time drug dealer.
Scene description
Sneaks is walking down the road to where he parked his car. A long shot is used to show his surroundings. 

Ext outside a house on a quiet street in New York city, at midnight.
Scene 5
End Point of  Last Scene
Sneaks is walking down the street to his car
Characters in Scene

Sneaks, 3 enemy’s
Point of scene
The audience is meant to understand that the 3 people in the car are looking to jump sneaks as they have hate for him from the past
Scene description
Sneaks is walking down when a car is driving past and one of the men in the car spots him. He tells the other men who then also recognise him. The car brakes. A point of view shot is used on one of the men in the car looking at sneaks.

Ext outside a house on a quiet street in New York city, at midnight.
Scene 6
End Point of  Last Scene
3 men in a car spot Sneaks on road and quickly stop the car.
Characters in Scene

Sneaks, 3 enemies
Point of scene
The audience is meant to understand that the 3 people in the car are looking to jump sneaks as they have hate for him from the past
Scene description
Sneaks hears the car braking behind him he looks back a high angle and close up shot of sneaks face is used.

Ext outside a house on a quiet street in New York city, at midnight.
Scene 7
End Point of  Last Scene
3 men in a car spot sneaks on road and quickly stop the car.
Characters in Scene

Sneaks, 3 enemy’s
Point of scene
The audience is meant to understand that the 3 people in the car are looking to jump sneaks as they have hate for him from the past
Scene description
Sneaks hears the car braking behind him he looks back he gets shot and drops to the floor a high angle and close up shot of sneaks is used.


This is the Animatic of our storyboard which my partner Dilwar drew out. 


My partner Dilwar drew out the storyboard for the film, he drew each part as how it would look.

Nine Frames

This is the 9 frames of my film, the first frame is of my Ident with the sound of lighting, the next frame is of a hand knocking the door, there is a close up of the mains characters face. The next frame is of him giving a parcel of coke to someone's house, the next frame is of the main character walking out the house, the next frame is of a black car pulling up besides him and a gun comes out, he is shot dead.A flashback then happens which goes back to his younger days.

Elevator Pitch

This is my partner Dilwar talking about out Elevator pitch which we both wrote down together, the purpose of this was to put our film idea through by explaining what the film was about and so we could get finance to produce our hit film.